The future is hydroponics.
Earth’s growing population places significant demands on traditional food sources and our perspective towards how we create our food chains is evolving rapidly. There’s a growing chorus demanding simpler, fresher, cleaner and more humane practices in food production. We are at the forefront of this change. Hydroponics is no longer associated to, or stigmatised around, one specific product. Rather it is a lean, clean and sustainable method to growing our future food supply, on both small and large scales. We are advocates for the legalisation of natural products that provide numerous benefits and we are proponents for bringing hydroponics into the mainstream, so that all can benefit.

As nature intended.
The best plants thrive when they are free of pesticides. Hydroponics plants are grown and harvested organically, the way nature intended. With Vitaponix’ uniquely patented, bio-certified nutrient range, customers can be certain as to exactly what is in their food. Simply the best, most transparent and most natural way to feed and nuture a body.
Let’s take control of our own destiny.
No authority will care more about our own well-being than we do ourselves. We take control of our own state of health, knowing that what we put into our bodies is paramount in determining the health of our organs. We take responsibility for educating our community as to the best sources of nutrients. We encourage everyone to grow better, healthier and more nutritious produce.

Healthy humans make better humans.
No artificial preservatives, no pesticides. Greater nutrient efficiency, improved health, more energy and increased longevity and quality of life. Better thinkers, more agile minds, smarter humans. Makes sense doesn’t it?
Earth, we really do love you.
We pledge to continually innovate, assess and improve our methodologies and product lines, in order to the lead the way in providing the most sustainable products that minimise our footprint and that are environmentally responsible.
It’s a communal kind of thing.
Our vision at Vitaponix is to develop nutrient products that are better for everyone. Better for the planet and for the species that inhabit it. We aim to unite people around sustainability and to provide opportunities for more people to be able to access better nutrient products that can deliver greater crop outcomes, whether that be for large commercial ventures in state-of-the-art automated glasshouses, restaurants growing key produce for their internal needs, or an individual feeding their small tribe by utilising our VitaponixSmart Kart system.