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Vitaponix fully understands that to reach maximum quality a base nutrient is only half the story. Take production levels to the next step with the application of patented technology designed to maximise nutrient uptake.


VitaFinish is an essential product for maximising terpene production in the final weeks of flowering. Terpenes are responsible for the aroma and flavour of your floral crop. Plants produce terpenes as a defence mechanism against bugs, fungi and a harsh environment. VitaFinish naturally and safely stresses a crop via a complex blend of compounds shown to have a beneficial effect on oil production.
Maximise the aroma, taste and value of your crop with VitaFinish!


Follow the recommended feeding schedule for soil, coco or hydro. Add VitaFinish during the final two weeks of flowering.

Use 1ml per liter alongside the rest of the Vitaponix feeding schedule.

Committed to delivering the best for humanity


VitaSilica is compromised of approximately 87-94% silicon dioxide, plus small amounts of various other oxides including iron, calcium, potassium, titanium, manganese and phosphorous. The slow, continuous release of silica ensures increased resistance to pests and disease, bigger root systems and ultimately a higher yield.
VitaSilica is also a safe, organic treatment for eradicating crawling insects on the surface of your media. When you look at VitaSilica under a microscope it resembles a random pile of tiny razors. These ultra-sharp edges cut through an insect’s protective covering, sucking all the moisture out of them until they die. If an insect is stupid enough to try to eat VitaSilica this delightful process occurs from the inside out. VitaSilica is effective against fungus gnats, aphids, nematodes, slugs and snails. Our friendly earthworm is safe from VitaSilica’s wrath, which is good news all round.

How to use VitaSilica


Follow the recommended feeding schedule for soil, coco or hydro. Add VitaFinish during the final two weeks of flowering.

Use 1ml per liter alongside the rest of the Vitaponix feeding schedule.

VitaRooting Dip

100% Organic – No Hormones contain only plant-derived activators that stimulate root growth.  The only way to multiply your best-performing plants without affecting F1 Hybrid.  Double action cloning, fast rooting, and protecting cuttings from disease infestations and rots. The most advanced natural rooting gel contains no hormones, unlike other rooting gels. It has taken years of development to ensure that the plant-derived materials are extracted without solvents and formulated with food ingredients to achieve fast rooting and protection synergistically. It is combined with calcium from a natural source allowing the plantlet to build strength straight away. Cloning F1 Hybrid plants for maximum performance and high success.
Propagate cuttings as usual and dip the 45-degree cut stem 1 to 2cm deep into the Root Torque rooting gel. Packed in a resealable bag for ease of use and re-use.  It has been proven to increase the root hair significantly compared to best sellers in the market. This allows the plantlet to have a head start ensuring strong establishment and reducing the potential to be infested with fungal growth. The plant-derived extract incorporated has natural fungistatic properties. A well-established plant always results in a better adult plant producing a higher yield.   Instructions for Use Clean surfaces and equipment to be used for producing the cuttings.  Prepare your cuttings by cutting them in the desired length with a 45-degree angle cut in the stem.  Dip the stem into the rooting gel and place it into compost or other growing media.  Watch a robust clone grow!


Follow the recommended feeding schedule for soil, coco or hydro. Add VitaFinish during the final two weeks of flowering.

Use 1ml per liter alongside the rest of the Vitaponix feeding schedule.

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